Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Recipes/Asian/PorkRibs

Aug 18, 2013, 6:03:23 PM (11 years ago)



  • Recipes/Asian/PorkRibs

    v1 v2  
    44== Ingredients ==
    6 ||1 kg|| pork ribs
    7 ||4 tbsp||vinegar
    8 ||2 tbsp||soy sauce
    9 ||2 tbsp||honey
    10 ||2 tbsp||sherry
    11 ||2 tbsp||vegetable oil
    12 ||1 tsp||lemon juice
    13 ||5 cm||cube root ginger peeled and finely chopped
    14 ||1||can condensed tomato soup
    15 ||1/2 tsp||five spice powder (Chinese) or 1/2 tsp. ground star anise
    16 ||6||cloves garlic finely chopped
     6|| 1 kg || pork ribs ||
     7|| 1 || Onion ||
     8|| 4 tbsp || vinegar ||
     9|| 2 tbsp || soy sauce ||
     10|| 2 tbsp || honey ||
     11|| 2 tbsp || sherry ||
     12|| 1 tbsp || sambal ||
     13|| 2 tbsp || vegetable oil ||
     14|| 1 tbsp || lemon juice ||
     15|| 5 cm || ginger ||
     16|| 1 || small can tomato paste ||
     17|| 1/2 tsp || five spice powder (Chinese) or 1/2 tsp. ground star anise ||
     18|| 6 || cloves garlic finely chopped ||
    1820== Preparation ==
     22Chop the onion and ginger and mix with the other spices in a bowl. cut the pork ribs into manageable chunks of 10 - 15 cm. Soak the chunks with the marinade and place everything in an oven dish and cover with aluminium foil.
     23Heat the oven to 135ᵒC and put in the ribs for about 1.5 hours so every now and the pooring the fluids at the bottom of the oven dish over the ribs. When done marinate some more with the juices.
     24Now grill the ribs until crispy.
    2027Place ribs in large pan (pressure cooker base), cover with water and add 2 tablespoons vinegar bring to boil, simmer for 15 minutes and drain. Meanwhile, mix all remaining ingredients in a roasting pan, add ribs and coat well with the sauce. Cook at 180 degrees for 30 minutes, basting after 15 minutes increase heat to 200 degrees for 20 minutes or until rich and succulent. Once cooked, if covered and heat turned low ribs will keep for hours, and improve with time!!